Set out to save lifes!
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. Four out of five CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes according to WHO.
Asamedic has patented a solution ment to save lifes. The idea from Asamedic is based on research showing a dramatically increased chance of survival if the substance acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is immediately ingested in the case of a sudden heart attack.
The product from Asamedic is a combined medical-/pharma device with a dual chamber solution containing a liquid and the ASA powder which the user will activate and mix before ingesting it.
Yallow Life Science are proud to have signed an agreement with Asamedic for further development of the device and assist Asamedic when the company entering new stages in the development and towards commercialization.
We are very proud of being chosen as a partner to Asamedic and looking forward to a good collaboration. The goal is to assist Asamedic in their existing journey all the way to market introduction of a really meaningful and important product in the market.
Petter Arlehed, CEO – Yallow Life Science
Asamedic is constantly searching for quality partners and suppliers who can help achieve its vision and support the dedication to saving lives through innovation within Life Sciences. Partnering with Yallow was a natural step after thorough evaluation through time and testing of their abilities and scope. We are looking forward to working with the Yallow team to optimize the user friendliness and application of our products
Geir Ivar Westen, Manging Director of Asamedic AS